
Showing posts from April, 2022

Goddess Isis and Ankh / Zeița Isis și Ankh - Ascension Conference Taipei 2016 / Conferința de Ascensiune Taipei 2016

  Goddess Isis and Ankh Goddess Isis is a great mother and a great sister. She is both a mother and a sister to me. She is the daughter of Nut, the god of sky and galaxy. She is also the goddess of Sun and Moon. She has a crown and a throne. She has wings that represent conversion-inversion vortex and freedom. Her wings also suggest that we will become angelic beings of Light. Two serpents surrounding Goddess Isis represent Kundalini energy. Ancient Indian scriptures describe that left hand is a feminine serpent called Ida; right hand is a masculine serpent called Pingala and the third serpent- Sushumna is in the central channel of seven chakras Two serpents, Ida and Pinjara, move around central energy channel in a upwards spiral. This is also how I experience goddess presence. Isis is like my goddess sister and my mother. I feel that she is like a whole galaxy. She is the Goddess of all sacred magic and love. She is the goddess of Sun and Moon. She is the goddess with ten thousand...

Cobra - Goddess Astara - PFC Interview February 2017

  COBRA: Isthar and Astara (Isis) are tween  Flames / Souls! Cobra - Goddess Astara "Astara was a being from Sirius star system that took upon herself the task of preserving the Goddesss presence on the surface of the planet in the last 26,000 year cycle." "Ashtar has a twin soul named Astara. She is the one that brought Goddess mysteries to planet Earth and was known as Astarte, Ashteroth, Ashera, Ast (Isis), Aphrodite and Venus. She is also a being of Light. The Cabal tried to erase and distort her teachings but the Goddess will be victorious." Source: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** LOVE and LIGHT "Ashtar and Ishtar Untwine : You've explained that Ashtar is the twin flame of Ishtar. Cobra : Of Astara. Ashtar and Astara . U : Is Ishtar a different one ? C : It's the same name, but there ...

Goddess Energy and the Return of Goddess - Ascension Coference Taipei 2016

  Goddess Energy and the Return of Goddess Goddess Energy   Goddess energy is the energy of Love, Peace and Balance . Goddess consciousness means that we allow her to enter our bodies. Connecting with the Goddess is not just about the heart. We also have to let the Goddess descend upon our bodies. The return of the Goddess means more than anchoring her energy to our heart. It also includes anchoring her energy to the Earth through our bodies. In other words, we need to rebalance the energy polarity on the Earth, because the Earth is a feminine planet. Human society in the past used to oppress the Earth with very negative maculine energy. Our past history has too much brutal masculine energy, which has led to an imbalance of maculine and feminine energy on Earth. We can interact with our inner Goddess through Goddess Initiation. We can even interact with Guan Yin. The Goddess guides you in the manner of “I would love to” rather than “I have to do this.” A circle symbolizes t...

2013 California, Laguna Cobra Portal Conference - Note di Iside Astara - 2013, USA

USA, 2013 2013 California Laguna Cobra Portal Conference - Note di Iside Astara La mia missione è il mio scopo sono di condividere l'energia della Dea con voi. Ti mostrerò la via per arrenderti alla Dea. Ne sapremo di più domenica, ma anche stasera. Domani è il momento più importante. Avremo l'attivazione del portale domani alle 12:12. L'eclissi lunare inizia stasera alle 21:12. Puoi vedere Giove, Venere e Mercurio che formano un triangolo quasi perfetto. Cavalcheremo quelle energie. Nota a pagina di Anthem. La conferenza in California si è conclusa il 26 maggio. Quando abbiamo lasciato la sala conferenza con Cobra la sera, ho scattato queste due foto. Abbiamo visto questo triangolo equilatero di Luce proprio davanti alla sala di conferenze. Immagina tre pianeti che formano un triangolo così perfetto nel vasto cielo. Era molto evidente durante il tramonto. L'energia dell'eclissi lunare era ancora molto forte. È apparso subito prima dell'attivazione del nost...

Soul Families Workshop Report and Planetary Situation Update - by Cobra, April 4, 2019

Thursday, April 4, 2019 Soul Families Workshop Report and Planetary Situation Update Our Soul Families workshop in Budapest was extremely successful. Many key instructions for cracking the Matrix on the surface of the planet were successfully transmitted to the very awake participants of the workshop, as you can see in the workshop notes which were already published in many blogs: Many new volunteers came to the stage to form new Sisterhood of the Rose groups throughout the planet. Instructions for them: if your group has 3 or more people that meet physically regularly, you can make your group public so more people from ...