Goddess Energy and the Return of Goddess - Ascension Coference Taipei 2016
Goddess Energy and the Return of Goddess
Goddess Energy
Goddess energy is the energy of Love, Peace and Balance.
Goddess consciousness means that we allow her to enter our bodies. Connecting with the Goddess is not just about the heart. We also have to let the Goddess descend upon our bodies. The return of the Goddess means more than anchoring her energy to our heart. It also includes anchoring her energy to the Earth through our bodies.
In other words, we need to rebalance the energy polarity on the Earth, because the Earth is a feminine planet. Human society in the past used to oppress the Earth with very negative maculine energy. Our past history has too much brutal masculine energy, which has led to an imbalance of maculine and feminine energy on Earth. We can interact with our inner Goddess through Goddess Initiation. We can even interact with Guan Yin.
The Goddess guides you in the manner of “I would love to” rather than “I have to do this.”
A circle symbolizes the energy of Oneness and harmonious feminine energy. Everyone is equal in a circular mandala. Everyone is a part of this circular mandala. We are all equally important in this mandala. We are all unique in our own way. We will enter the galactic society through the energy of Oneness.
The energy of the Goddess Heart and the Galactic Center is the spiral energy of cosmic consciousness.
The motherships above the Earth need Goddess energy, because they can convert the Goddess energy into the power source for their fleet. These ships like to appear in Goddess energy points. One of my missions when I travel around is to create Goddess energy points so that the ships of Galactic Confederation can come closer to the surface of Earth. Our galaxy is a double-armed spiral galaxy, and the Galactic Central Sun is at the heart of the galaxy.
When the Goddess enters our bodies, it does not mean that our bodies can be fully merged with the Goddess at once. No modern human can withstand that. The correct way to understand this idea is that we use the Goddess energy at our will and use it for balancing our bodies and constantly increasing our vibrational frequency on a daily basis. Goddess Isis once asked me if I could let Her stay in my body for 5 minutes. I said: you can stay inside me for an hour. However, Goddess Isis only stayed inside me for 5 minutes. Her energy was so strong that I couldn’t move my body for the next 30 minutes. Experiencing energy is a gradual process. The reason why humanity will have First Contact with Pleiadians is that their vibration frequency is very close to ours, but it is still high enough.
If we want to be with Goddess energy, we have to act like a woman in labor. If a baby is going to be born, the mother cannot say no. The only thing a woman in labor can do is to surrender; to let her baby come out. The more relaxed she is in labor, the less pain she will feel. Surrendering to Goddess energy is like the process of giving birth to a child: we surrender to the flow of natural energy and completely comply with the mysteries of the body. It is quite a natural and great miracle.
Just because we have talked a lot about feminine energy today does not mean that feminine energy is more important than masculine energy. The point is to create a balance of energy between men and women. The first step to balance is to bring feminine energy back to human society. This balance heals masculine energy and accelerates understanding between men and women. One day, feminine and masculine serpents will reach the apex of Oneness and form a giant golden cobra. That means you are enlightened.
The Return of the Goddess
The period 2004- 2012 was the time cycle of the return of the Goddess. Many men and women began to awaken during this time. We also activated many portals that allowed us to discover more about the secrets of the Goddess. It is fine to say that we recall these secrets. When the portal of Mary the Magdalene was activated, I reconnected with my feminine side.
The return of the Goddess not only means that the Goddess will return to the earth, but also that we will feel our own bodies. We will feel freedom and wildness. Feminine energy is about feeling the true wild life force within ourselves. Human body movements are a kind of language. Verbal communication can only express 70% of our intentions, the rest depend on our body languages.
The return of the Goddess has one important aspect, which is to bring the virtue of compassion back to the Earth. We should be compassionate toward ourselves and all people around us. Compassion is a very important virtue, but it is also very scarce on the Earth.
Goddess Spiral Consciousness
Goddess energy is a spiral consciousness. The easiest way to understand this is through our perception of time. Before 2011, before the end of the Mayan calendar, our sense of time was linear. We were concerned with our past and used our past experiences to plan our future. At that time, humanity did not care about the present. As more and more portals were activated on the Earth, humans began to notice that time went faster and faster. As energy keeps pushing us, we feel that we can hardly keep up with time. We can no longer use our past experiences for planning. Instead, we have to focus on the present. This is a sign that the Goddess spiral energy has come to the Earth. Many ascended masters and spiritual masters also teach us to live in the present.
Many people are experiencing the Galactic Heart Energy Syndrome. For example, their heart rate might suddenly increase. Their sleep habits might become different. Some people used to sleep 8 hours, but now they wake up after 2 hours of sleep. Then they would feel sleepy in the afternoon. Sometimes they might feel dizzy as if they were floating above the ground. They stop eating certain kinds of food. They sometimes feel very stressed and so on.
Sometimes they feel…and so on. All of these represent a high frequency of energy coming to Earth. Since 2012, this Spiral Consciousness energy is getting stronger and stronger. We are living in a Spiral Consciousness and our perception of time will gradually change. One day, the past, the present and the future will become one, like a spiral.
We experience Cosmic Consciousness and Galactic Consciousness and Goddess Consciousness through a spiral. Spiral is the way of Creation. Human embryos grow in a spiral. We can see Fibonacci spirals in many everyday objects. When I experienced Goddess Presence for the first time, I also sensed Spiral Consciousness of the Goddess. The Galactic Center of Milky Way Galaxy is Spiral Consciousness. The consciousness that comes to the Earth now is the Spiral Consciousness fromGalactic Center. The return of this Galactic Spiral Consciousness suggests the return of the Goddess.
Everything will merge into Oneness at the apex of a spiral. 2004 transit of Venus was the first transit in the past few decades. It represents the imminent return of the Goddess. That year was also the year when I first experienced Spiral Consciousness. It is our path toward right consciousness, and this is how we will be reunited with our galactic family.
Goddess Spiral Dance
Sometimes when I do Goddess Spiral Dance, the energy will try to ground itself. A large energy spiral will go around my body and enter the ground counterclockwise. Sometimes the energy would also appear as hundreds of small spirals passing through my body and entering the ground counterclockwise. I later discovered that Spiral Consciousness represents joy. I am so happy all the time because I frequently do Goddess Spiral Dance. I always have such feelings when I do Goddess Initiation. Goddess Spiral Dance is also what I was looking for in many workshops. Goddess energy has been suppressed for a very long time. Many mysteries turn out to be the simplest thing.
When I dance, I find that if I dance with specific footsteps, I can feel my presence and even precisely create my future.
I can also create a Goddess vortex when I dance. I can not only create my timeline but also feel the past and the future. My whole being will be at the present. This is the transformative power of Goddess Spiral. Its energy can go very deep into our inner being and transmute negative emotions.
The balance between masculine and feminine energies is the nature of every human being. A balanced energy can remind us of happy things.
After I started practicing Goddess Spiral Dance, I found myself becoming more and more feminine. My parents raised me as a boy when I was little. I didn’t have the opportunity to act like a girl, but rather like an athlete. Goddess Spiral Dance helped me find my feminine side, and at the same time, my heart became stronger and more resilient. I became more confident in swimming. I started to want to dance with the monkeys; I started to want to run on the wind and feel the flow of the wind. I wanted to touch the stars in the sky. The Goddess made my heart more open to nature and more deeply connected to Five Elements.
Goddess Consciousness is very much like human DNA. They both shape like a spiral. Goddess Spiral Dance is more than crossing your arms. It also requires body movement so that the Goddess can enter your body. I dance while doing Goddess Vortex. I will allow my hands and body to naturally move with the energy. The Spiral Dance has a very strong purifying effect. Negative beings do not like the powerful spiral energy, and this is why Goddess Energy has been frequently persecuted in human history.
Goddess Initiation
Goddess Initiation can open up our energy channel, our seven chakras. Long- term practice can help us become better channels of Goddess energy.
Goddess and Ascension
Even if we dislike Earth society, we should not spend all our time thinking about heaven and ignore our connection with the ground.
Although this conference is called Ascension Conference, if people only want to go up into higher dimensions without grounding themselves, it will create an imbalance. The Light needs to come from the above and then go into the ground. Now, let the Light enter our whole being and then enter the ground; into the center of the Earth, from top to bottom.
Grounding and anchoring energies are very important. If we want to liberate the Earth, we must first anchor ourselves on the Earth. Planetary liberation and ascension need to happen at all levels, including the liberation of Mother Earth. Now here is an important message for you: we must be deeply rooted in the earth before we can ascend. We use our feet to contact the ground. We sometimes use our hands to touch the ground, but we stay in touch with the Earth via our feet most of the time.
Goddess Presence
Now let’s talk about Goddess Presence. The Goddess is everywhere and always here. The difference lies in the way we access Her Presence. Mother Earth is the Divine Presence of the Goddess, and we have accessed and received her Presence in different ways in the past, in the present, and in the future. In the past, some people could easily connect to the Presence of God, Goddess and Divine Beings via singing, chanting mantra or meditation. Then, people need more physical movements to establish such a connection. I, for example, have to connect with them via dancing.
To feel Goddess Presence is to feel and accept yourself. As I said this morning, each of us has divine feminine and divine masculine energy inside our bodies. The female part is about accepting and receiving. The male part is about giving and devoting.
Divine feminine and divine masculine energy are equally important. We first receive things with our hands and then give things out from our heart. Neither plundering nor exclusion has anything to do with receiving and giving. Plundering and exclusion have nothing to do with love. They are expressions of victimhood.
If we want to accept Goddess Presence and then become Chalice of Light, we must learn to accept and give. We need to strike a balance between accepting and giving energies. If we accept too little but give too much, the body will become unbalanced and then get furious. If you accept too much but give nothing, it is also an imbalance. A very important thing is that we receive and give through our heart.
We draw an 8 when we accept and give. When the figure 8 turns horizontal, it becomes a symbol of infinity and eternity. To get close to God and Goddess, we must reach out with a sincere heart. The Divine Mother is in the midst of the Divine Father. This is the part of the Trinity. When we start from the portal of vesica piscis, we will be able to find the Divine Mother and the Divine Father.
We can only connect with God and Goddess through a submissive, humble state of mind. No matter we connect with them by singing, meditating or lying down, we have to keep our mind humble and pure. We have to embrace the divinity and the purity of divine feminine energy. We also have to recognize our body as a temple. Our body is a temple and we have to believe it is pure.
Once you accept life, yourself and other living beings with a pure heart, your own life will become pure as well. You will become very powerful in everything such as working and talking. There will be miracles when you do things with your inner purity .
In human history, there are women who are very strong both internally and externally. Those women have a deep connection to the Goddess. They are called healers. They sing, and dance. They invoke Goddess Presence. They know the rituals of summoning the Goddess. They can make the world a better place through prayer. They were regarded as dangerous and so they were persecuted in the past.
I can feel that my mission is to awaken men and women on the Earth and to rebalance the male and female aspects of mankind. My mission also includes preparing for the ultimate victory of the Planetary liberation . No one will be persecuted due to the energy imbalance between men and women.
Reference: 2014 Taipei Victory of Light Conference, 2016 Chiang Mai Ascension Conference and 2016 Taipei Ascension Conference
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