Rise of the Dragons Workshop in Asia - by Cobra, July 2024

July 2024

Cobra Ascension Workshop in Asia-Rise of the Dragons Workshop 
note by IGAG


This document is a transcripted note of 2024 July Cobra Ascension Workshop in Asia-Rise of the Dragons. The workshop took place in Taipei and Kuala Lumpur. Please read it with the benefit of discernment and with the understanding that mishearing, transcription errors and omissions are common and that it is not 100% accurate. For more detailed information, please review transcripted notes from previous Cobra conferences in Paris, Taipei and Phoenix City.

The Fall of Lurker

The first universe was born when the Source projected a part of itself into contingency. The Source did this because it wanted to understand what exactly contingency is. At that time, the Lurker was also born. The Lurker is like a cosmic parasite.

Now the entire universe is undergoing a detoxification process to eliminate this parasite. Our universe and the multiverse are clearing this parasite. This is a huge scale disinfection process, and the surface world of the Earth is the focus of clearing the infection. A very intensive decontamination work is being carried out on Earth.

A few weeks ago, the disentanglement with the Lurker and process of clearing parasites began on the surface world .

The light forces and the Source will clear the quantum entanglement between the surface population and the Lurker. They will also eliminate sub-quantum anomalies in humans.

Our human body, mind, and spirit are currently intertwined with subquantum anomalies. The Light Forces are helping us clear these subquantum anomalies from our entire being

These clearing operations have exposed more negative things When subquantum anomalies are being cleared, Some people act strangely. Things that were previously unseen will start to be revealed gradually.

We will experience the disinfection process over the next 1-2 months. This will be a testing phase in which the light forces will observe humanity’s reactions to this clearing process. Since this is the first time such an operation has been conducted since the creation of the universe, it is the largest purification work in the history of the universe.

The light forces are currently adjusting the frequency of the planetary grid of Light on the etheric plane, astral plane, and mental plane.

As a part of New Atlantis project, many star races are using tektites to clear the Lurker. For example, the Colombianite is a meteorite from Sirius Star system. After the Colombianite arrived on Earth, The light forces used it to create a hyperdimensional wormhole connecting Sirius Star system and the Earth. These hyperdimensional wormholes can affect Earth on subquantum level, so the light forces can use them to clear the Lurker.

When you meditate while holding interstellar meteorites, they can help the light forces clear the Lurker.

Both Cintamani stones and Colombianites came from Sirius Star system. Galactic cintamani stones come from a place very close to the Galactic Central Sun, so they can bring the energy of the Galactic Central Sun.

A part of the New Atlantis project is to bury galactic cintamani stones along the old Atlantean equator. The purpose of this work is to stabilize the planetary grid of Light and thus the crustal structure of the Earth, so when Polar shift occurs, the surface world will undergo the forthcoming changes as harmonious and smooth as possible.

The Lurker will disappear from the multiverse. We need to eliminate this cosmic parasite to stop all suffering and darkness. This parasite entity lives in the subquantum world. The subquantum world is beyond the normal space-time continuum, and no method from the normal space-time level can touch the subquantum world. From the perspective of quantum mechanics, we cannot touch the Lurker at all. However, there is a solution, which is to connect with the Source. When we connect with the Source, it can intervene in our surface world and the subquantum world, thereby eliminating the Lurker. The process of eliminating the Lurker is called sublimation.

This is a computer simulation of quantum fluctuations. Quantum fluctuation is the interaction between the Lurker and the space-time continuum. These fluctuations occur on a very small scale, at the Planck length. The Lurker can influence all formed matter through quantum fluctuations. It can affect the interactions at the quantum level and the flow of plasma. It can also influence the flow of emotional and thought energy. Through this method, it can attack those who are dangerous to it.

Quantum fluctuations can be considered as the skin of the Lurker. The Lurker has a certain amount of energy reserves, but these reserves are limited. It stores its reserves in the subquantum world. When the Lurker interacts with the normal space-time continuum, it loses some of its energy, similar to a draining battery. As the Lurker interacts with the real universe, the Source begins to clear it, then a small part of the Lurker disappears into nothingness. The process of eliminating the Lurker is called sublimation.

The energy of the next cosmic cycle is very powerful and can entirely disintegrate the Lurker, thereby eliminating all related problems.

Emeralds contain trace amounts of chromium and vanadium. The Light Forces are currently using the chromium in emeralds to clear quantum anomalies.

2025 Portal Dynamics 

Something special is happening within the Local Group. The events occurring in the universe now are very important to the situation on the surface of the Earth, especially the interactions between our Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy.

Our Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy are a couple of twin souls within the Local Group. Our Milky Way represents the feminine aspect of this twin soul, while the Andromeda Galaxy represents the masculine aspect. Our Milky Way anchors the divine feminine energy, while the Andromeda Galaxy anchors the divine masculine energy.

There are other smaller galaxies surrounding our Milky Way andAndromeda Galaxy Together, they form a twelve-pointed star mandala that will transform all darkness in the universe.

The light forces are using very special methods to activate our Galactic Central Sun and the Galactic Central Sun of Andromeda Galaxy Our Galactic Central Sun became active several decades ago, but it has not yet reached its most active state.

The purpose of activating our Galactic Central Sun is to awaken the goddess energy, allowing the Galactic Wave of Love to spread throughout our galaxy. The Central Sun of the Andromeda Galaxy will receive instructions from the Source to activate its energy. The galactic central sun of the Andromeda Galaxy is radiating divine masculine energy, specifically the energy of the divine hero. This process began a few weeks ago.

This is why I am holding workshops in Taipei and Malaysia. These workshops are to awaken some very ancient dragon leylines on the surface of the Earth. From July 11th to this full moon (Note: it’s on July 21st, CST), we need to activate Dragon energy within this 10-day window.

The galaxies in the twelve-pointed star mandala are sending very high-frequency light energies to our Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy These high-frequency energies will trigger the Galactic Central Suns of both galaxies to send very high-frequency lights to our solar system. These very high-frequency energies will activate the dragon leylines on the surface world.

Once the surface dragon leylines are activated, there will be significant changes in the surface grid of Light. Activating the surface Dragon leylines will help adjust the energy of the crustal structure of the Earth. This is one part of our preparation for the Polar shift. When it actually occurs, the entire process will be smoother.

“These 10 days will be very intense. These 10 days will determine the timeline for the second half of the year until November. What we do during these 10 days will at least decide the direction of events for the next four months.

In addition to the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy, there is another galaxy in our Local Group—the Triangulum Galaxy. The Triangulum Galaxy is the overseer on behalf of the Source. It is responsible for monitoring and regulating the energies emitted by the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy The triangulation formed by the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy, and the Triangulum Galaxy can clear darkness from the entire universe.

Pluto will stay in Aquarius until September 1st this year. Pluto in Aquarius signifies that we will clear the Lurker and undergo more energetic transformations.

On September 1st, Pluto will briefly retrograde back into Capricorn. The Cabal plans to conduct a nasty dark ritual on this day. World War II broke out on September 1st, 1939.

They want to use the World War II timeline to trigger World War III. This September 1st marks the 85th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II. While we can avoid the outbreak of a Third World War, it will require collective effort. September 1st to September 9th this year is the period when the Cabal will do everything they can in order to manifest World War III. During that time, we hope everyone can organize and join mass peace meditations as many times as possible.

Starting from today (July 13th), we must choose a more positive timeline. Pluto will begin retrograde on September 1st and briefly return to Capricorn until November 19th. During Pluto’s final retrograde, more revelations about the Deep State will emerge. The light forces will intensively clear the quantum entanglements between surface populations and the Lurker.

The period from September 1st to November 19th is suitable for inner work.People should begin to connect with their higher selves and let go of the past. This period is not ideal for major external activities but is better suited for internal cleansing and self-cultivation.

The first two weeks of this November will be a critical period. The dark forces will attempt to cause as much destruction as possible during these two weeks.

These two weeks coincide with the U.S. presidential election. The light forces have already arranged plans to thwart the cabal. The long-term result of these arrangements will be the defeat of the cabal.

The dark forces will make a very serious strategic mistake during this period. This mistake will lead to their downfall. This is a very difficult and challenging process. The dark forces will not be defeated immediately but will gradually lose everything.

The dark forces will walk into a trap set by the light forces, and they are bound to fall into this trap. The complexity of this trap is beyond their comprehension. It can be likened to a fifth-dimensional chess game. Although the process will not be easy, the ultimate result will be the victory of the light.

After November 19th, Pluto will stay in Aquarius for 20 years. Once Pluto fully enters Aquarius, it will bring liberation energy to Earth. We are going to witness more new technologies and the First Contact, which allows the Earth to join the galactic community.

Rise of the Dragons

Dragon energy is an ancient archetype originating from several ancient positive dragon races. The original dragon energy came from Andromeda galaxy.

These dragon races evolved in different galaxies under the guidance of several advanced star races. Positive dragon races protect humanity and guard the galactic grid of Light. They also defend the entire Milky Way and prevent our solar system from dark invasions.

Positive dragon races evolve in two star systems. The first one is Antares, a red giant star. It has a neighboring blue star, Antares B. Antares is the origin of the Red and Blue dragons.

Red dragons are more physically-oriented. They are responsible for guarding the physical world. Blue dragons are in charge of the spiritual realm. They are protecting authentic spiritual knowledge.

Apart from Antares, there is also Aldebaran. The beings from Aldebaran train some dragons to follow the light and protect this sector of the galaxy.

Aldebaran played a crucial role in the establishment of Tang Dynasty in China. Many secret dragon groups were founded during Tang Dynasty. Thuban (Alpha Draconis) left many important traces in China. The Thuban dragon race arrived in China during Han Dynasty.

Additionally, some dragons from Ursa Major constellation have deep connections with China. Many dragons originate from the Ursa Major galaxy. These dragons will activate dragon energy in both the surface and subterranean worlds.

Activating dragon energy means to awaken positive divine masculine energy. We entered a positive cycle in 2012, with the purpose of initiating the divine feminine energy. This 12-year activation process was necessary to harmonize the subsequent transformation. We now need divine masculine energy to achieve more breakthroughs and take physical actions.

Dragon energy represents the archetype of divine hero. It is the energy of divine masculine, breakthrough and the Event. It is the energy of taking concrete actions in the physical world.

It is the energy of Mjolnir. It is the energy of heroes rising to action. It can also activate human kundalini energy.

Many secret dragon groups are using the time window between today and July 22 to activate dragon energy on the surface world. They are activating dragon energy in Taiwan, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, and other Asian countries. The dark forces tried everything they could to stop these events. They almost succeeded, but ultimately failed. The dragon energy activation started on July 11th and has been very successful so far. This work will continue for several weeks.

New Financial System

An aspect of activating dragon energy is to initiate a new financial system. The current financial system created by dark forces will collapse in the future. When they attempt to digitize everything, they will first crash the global banking system. Something similar happened last April when many banks went bankrupt. This was a test by the Cabal. They will cause many banks to fail. Currently, many banks are in poor financial condition, so a wave of bank closures could spread worldwide.

The dark forces face a new problem. If banks close, people may not be able to buy anything for two or three days.No food means hunger. If people are hungry for long periods, they will do crazy things. When people are starving, they will not care about World Economic Forum or environmental sustainability. The dark forces cannot control every hungry person. Once the old financial system collapses, the Dragons will introduce a new financial system. This new financial system has been in preparation for decades and is continually expanding.

The cornerstone of the new financial system is the Yamashita gold. During World War II, when Japan invaded China, the Japanese imperial army looted a significant amount of gold from China, Malaysia,and Southeast Asia. All the places where the Dragon Race resided were plundered by the Japanese imperial army. This looting operation was led by General Tomoyuki Yamashita. General Yamashita was acting on the direct orders of Emperor Hirohito, who was controlled by an evil green dragon faction from Tibet. This evil green dragon also controlled Hitler.

They intended to transport all the gold to Japan. After the Pearl Harbor incident, the Japanese imperial army moved all the looted gold, diamonds, and various treasures to the Philippines. They used forced labor to build underground bunkers and then hid the gold in these bunkers. After the bunkers were completed, the laborers were all killed. Only General Yamashita knew the locations of these bunkers.

General Yamashita’s driver kept the treasure map. When the Americans captured the driver, they took the treasure map. After recapturing the Philippines, the U.S. military transported the gold to the United States and Switzerland. The U.S. government then put this gold in the trading system, generating a vast amount of money. The U.S. military used this fortune to build an underground base network in the United States and worldwide. This network was completed in 1996.

The U.S. military signed an agreement with the negative Dracos, allowing them to use these underground bases during the Archon invasion. Some of these underground bases had cloning facilities, and the Draconians used clones to infiltrate the surface society.

In 2012, the Resistance Movement invaded the Federal Reserve and other banks to reclaim this gold. This gold has since been moved to a safe underground location.

Since 2012, there has been no physical gold backing the Cabal’s banking system. The current global financial system is entirely sustained by human confidence. There is no gold but only gold-plated tungsten bars inside Fort Knox. People can still use cash in stores because trust among people still exists.

The Resistance Movement is also using the gold reclaimed in 2012 to build a new financial system. This gold is stored in secure underground locations. A small portion of the Yamashita gold remains hidden in bunkers in the Philippines.

The Solomon Code

The positive new financial system was invented by King Solomon 2,500 years ago. King Solomon was connected with the positive Green Dragons in the Arabian region. At that time, Islam did not exist, and there were Sufism orders inArabian region. The Sufi orders guided King Solomon on how to build a positive new financial system.

King Solomon had a connection with the Queen of Sheba from Ethiopia. Ethiopia had a large emerald deposit known as the Shakiso mines. These Ethiopian emeralds were transferred to the Queen of Sheba’s court. King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba had a trade agreement.

Ethiopian emeralds form the core of the new financial system and are also central to King Solomon’s treasure. The new financial system will be supported by gold, while occult knowledge and the Ethiopian emeralds will serve as its foundation .

King Solomon belonged to a very ancient galactic nobility, the Anuttara family. This family are guardians of the Holy Grail and passed on some of the Holy Grail codes to King Solomon.

King Solomon established a trade route between Southeast Asia and Ethiopia. He also established a trade route in the Arabian, Southeast Asian, and Chinese regions. Some dragon groups were guarding this trade route.

A positive extraterrestrial being once incarnated into the black nobility. This person’s purpose was to counteract the negative financial system.

The dark forces use close-kin marriages to ensure they can always keep their wealths under their control. In the 20th century, the Illuminati attempted to centralize control of the global financial system through intermarriage among bloodline families. After decades of intermarriage, the Illuminati created a representative possessing the bloodlines of all Illuminati families. This person is codenamed M1, who can control the global financial system. Former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos was once M1.

The white nobility also has plans for close-kin marriages, particularly to intermarry with dragon families. Their aim is to counteract the financial system of dark forces.

Positive dragon families live on the surface world, while some live underground. They are guardians of the new financial system. They devised a very complex system of codes and entry protocol to protect this system.

In addition to the physical guardians, there are guardians in the energy world. These guardians in energy planes are still hiding behind the scenes to avoid detection by dark etheric networks. They know the codes to unlock the vaults in those Philippine bunkers.

There is enough abundance and wealth in the world to be shared among all humanity. The real problem is on how to distribute this wealth to humanity while preventing it from being intercepted by the Cabal.

The energetic preparation for the new financial system is divided into two stages. The first stage was the Silver Trigger activation in 2019. The silver coin people gained on that day can anchor the energy of the new financial system. When the time is right, hidden wealth will be easier to distribute to people worldwide.

The second stage involves distributing emeralds, because they are a core part of the new financial system. Distributing emeralds will anchor more energies of King Solomon. One aspect of the dragon energy activation during these 11 days is to accelerate the creation of a new financial system.

The Light Forces have a plan to use the Yamashita gold hidden in the Philippines and other places to buy Bitcoins and then distribute those bitcoins to lightworkers around the world. However, we don’t have knowledge and infrastructure for this.

If there is one metric ton of gold, it would be worth approximately $70 million USD. At the recent Bitcoin price of $64,485.99 USD, $70 million can buy about 1,087 Bitcoins.

We need to find a way to distribute these Bitcoins to all Lightworkers.

This is a way for everyone to make a small fortune before the financial reset. This preparation is still in its early stages. I cannot guarantee the success of this plan due to many factors. If you have any idea, they can email me.

The U.S. government used collateral bonds to exchange for gold from Asian royalty. These so-called bonds are actually worthless papers. The reason for many conflicts between the Dragon family and the Western world is because Western countries took a lot of gold from the dragons and they won’t even intend to return it. The Dragon family has been patient in negotiating with the West, but with the activation of dragon energy, the situation is changing.

Those controlling underground bunkers do not understand the situation beyond Earth. They have a lot of gold and diamonds, which are not rare in the universe.

The asteroid belt is filled with vast amounts of gold. A single asteroid could contain tens of thousands of tons of gold and billions of tons of platinum. Some asteroids have millions of tons of gold.The asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars has countless amounts of gold and diamonds. Frankly, they are not valuable. Gold is a precious metal on the surface world but is common in the universe. On some planets, people can use gold to build entire rooms. Gold symbolizes both material and spiritual wealth because it can bring the energy of a sun.

Emeralds, however, are relatively rare in the universe. It is difficult to find high-quality emeralds on other planets due to the special geological conditions and rare elements like chromium and vanadium needed to form emeralds.

Emeralds are several times rarer than gold or diamonds. They are the true tool of value preservation in the galactic economy. This is why the galactic races gave emeralds to King Solomon.

After Earth becomes a member of the galactic economy, there will be three tools for value preservation: the first is emerald, the second is rare art, and the third is high-quality organic pumpkin seed oil.

I am sharing this information now because we are activating dragon energy during these 11 days, along with some behind-the-scenes activities. We aim to accelerate the introduction of the new financial system through these activities.

Emerald Grotto Heavens

Grotto Heavens refers to portals established by secret Taoist groups in China hundreds or thousands of years ago. These portals lead to the Agarthan network.

Taoist temples across China were built along major dragon leylines. There are many famous mountains sitting along those dragon leylines, such as Mt.Huashan. These temples have secret passages for people to enter Agarthan network.

Some Taoist practitioners achieved immortality through inner and outer alchemy. When they entered Agarthan network, they created an underground civilization. This civilization maintains the Light for the surface world. This ancient underground network extends worldwide.

Now, they are activating the “Green Door.” Green Door is a code to access the Agarthan world. Before we can physically enter, the door must be opened on the energetic level. Since this May, members of Agarthan network have been opening the door on the energy planes. The Colombia workshop in May marked the beginning of this energetic work. They are using their own methods to prepare for the Event.

All emerald mining areas around the world are entrances to the Agarthan network. Colombia has one such entrance, as do Brazil, the United States, Austria, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Russia, Australia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and China.

Emerald mines around the world have entrances to Agarthan networks. Behind the scenes, their members have started a series of energetic works to open the gate since this May. A breakthrough was expected this July, but it hasn’t succeeded yet due to insufficient light on the surface.

The surface Dragon races and the Agarthans are preparing something interesting this July.

We are now permitted to enter the Agarthan network through an energetic meditation. You can find this Emerald Portal meditation in the note from the Colombia workshop.

Members of Agarthan networks will communicate with the surface population through this meditation. They will use telepathy to interact with people and provide messages as accurately as possible. If successful, this communication will continue; otherwise, they will stop.

During this energy exchange, they will offer energy healing and guidance. If you have a Colombian emerald, it will be easier for you to connect with the entrance in Colombia. Agarthan network is now communicating with secret dragon groups in China.

In Agartha, some lakes have emerald-covered bottoms. People can use those lakes for healing.

Dragon leylines worldwide grow along major mountain ranges. The mountains represent Earth Dragons. Under those mountains, there are underground rivers and lakes. Those bodies of water represent Water Dragons. On the etheric plane of these mountains, there are Wind Dragons. Some of these mountains have volcanic activity, so there are Fire Dragons. The Agarthan dragons are adjusting and stabilizing Earth’s crustal activity.

This is a map of the Dragon leylines in China. On the upper right of this map, there is a Dragon leyline called the Prosperity Dragon leyline. It originates from Sakhalin Island in Russia, passing through Japan, Taiwan, and extending to the Philippines. The long, upper left one is the Tianshan Dragon leyline. It connects to China’s secret space program. There is also a Dragon leyline in Tibet related to occult knowledge. This Tibetan Dragon leyline originates from Pamir Mountains. It goes through Himalaya, Tibet, and extends to Bali in Indonesia.

Thousands of years ago, there was an occult war in Tibet. The light forces and the dark forces fought fiercely in order to gain control of this area. The Light Forces are working to reclaim this Dragon leyline.

Positive beings from Andromeda galaxy have built many bases beneath the Tibet dragon leyline. When surface dragon leylines are being activated, the divine masculine energy from Andromeda galaxy will enter the surface world through the Tibet dragon leyline.

The negative Green Dragon faction controlled Japan and Nazi Germany during WWII. They are negative dragons from Andromeda or other universes. They controlled most surface monasteries and used them to conduct negative rituals.

The light forces are anchoring as much Light as possible along this dragon leyline. They are healing past conflicts on this leyline. Our future plan is to bury as many galactic cintamani stones as possible along this dragon leyline.

For now, we can organize meditations to heal this dragon leyline because we need to wait for the situation to cool down. During this 11-day time window, the majority of dragon leylines will be activated. Currently, both surface dragon groups and underground Agarthan groups are doing energy activations for these dragon leylines. The purpose of activating these dragon leylines is to prepare for the final liberation and awakening of humanity’s Kundalini energy.

The most important part of the dragon leyline activation operation is the Event. Positive militaries and star races will participate in the mass arrest. Many dragon groups will be involved in this process. There are many dragon groups around the world now. Every Chinatown in the United States might have a dragon group. Many dragon groups are working behind Kung Fu schools and martial arts groups. Triads and Hongmen societies also include dragon groups. When the Event happens, they will receive the signal for action.

Questions worth mentioning:

Q: Can the Figure-Eight Meditation help resolve our entanglement with the Lurker?
A: Yes, it can. It is highly recommended for people to use this meditation to cut the entanglement between themselves and the Lurker.

Q: What is the true identity of Poseidon, the sea god in Greek mythology?
A:Poseidon is a high priest of Atlantis. Atlantis is an oceanic civilization. Poseidon is responsible for coordinating the relationship between Atlantean civilization and the ocean.

End of the ascension workshop


(Source: https://www.golden-ages.org/2024/08/05/2024-july-cobra-ascension-workshop-in-asia-rise-of-the-dragons-workshop-note-by-igag-2/)


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